Friday, October 28, 2011

Celluloid #131

In Theaters

Weekend (2011) Haigh - A love story between Glenn and Russell. They meet at a club on a Thursday and go home together. After the awkward morning after, they end up spending the afternoon together as well. Glenn finally reveals that he is leaving for the U.S. (P.S. this film is British) the next day. Glenn is significantly more political while Russell is more reserved and closeted about his sexuality. There are lots of conversations about being gay, and specific issues affecting that community that somehow don't come across as preachy. I also appreciate the fairly realistic portrayal of drug use in this film. Overall an enjoyable indie romance. 4/5

In Home

Evil Dead (1981) Raimi - Five friends rent a cabin in the woods. One of the former tenants happened to be an archaeologist who reproduced some type of Book of the Dead - causing the woods to come alive with evil spirits. Cheryl essentially gets raped by some tree limbs and roots and then one by one the friends all turn into the undead, except for Ash, which isn't very consistent. Gets really gory by the end, but the special effects are ridiculously bad. 3.5/5

Friday the 13th (1980) Cunningham - This summer camp is apparently cursed. Jason was  a kid at camp who drowned while his counselors were fucking. Now his mom is out for revenge and trying to prevent the camp from opening. Hilarious to see Kevin Bacon in a small part, but I kept yelling at the "last girl" for being too much of an idiot. 3.5/5

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